"...the peeling of paint, rusting of metal and the crumbling of brick "

Ahhh... an Abandoned Factory...
Shaun o'Boyle and Wendy Lewis o'Boyle
have compiled their Amazing Photography here:
This is their "Modern Ruins" Page
Be sure to read Shaun's essay in the center

This is one of the finest websites I've seen yet:
Simon Marsden
...has seemingly created this page just for us.
I have linked you directly to:
"Crumbling Castles"

Well, some HUNYUK signed the Guestbook, and said to "Clean this Place Up"...
well, here goes...

OK, got 'er done...

UH OH...
looks like there's a little work to be done here...

This hilariously written site is nonetheless quite tragic:
"FilthyMess DotCom"
an absolute Pig-Sty...

MAJOR Nelson: Do you mean to tell me
That it SNOWED,
... but ONLY on YOUR HOUSE?

Some websites just cannot be described.
I urge you to just Go and Explore:
fUSION Anomaly

I just can't seem to stay away from this stuff.
This is the oldest house in Lincoln, New Mexico. (around 1850)
Note the modern electrical service! I would have Loved/ Hated to install that bad-boy.
A great site on Ghost Towns and The Old West:
Monument Gallery

Ominous-looking bastard, eh?
This came from an absolutely MASSIVE Weirdness & Phenomena Database.
Everything from Shipwrecks to Sasquatch. From Rasputin to Whirling Dervishes.
This particular image came from: Chase Day

On to Part 7
Treble Clef By David Zvanut
(Please PAUSE any music on your computer)

Treble Clef by David Zvanut

BACK To Weirdness

(Unless you are in frames)